The Dutch vs English Criminal Justice System
By Sibel Onemli, a recent work experience student with Wainwright & Cummins
Having done a law degree in the Netherlands and
having recently graduated for my LLM from UCL, I had the chance to compare the
Dutch criminal justice system with the English system by doing a work placement
at Wainwright and Cummins solicitors. The English and the Dutch criminal
justice system will in the following be compared by discussing a couple of
vs. judge
The lack of a jury in the civil law system
is the first difference between the two systems. In the Netherlands , the
concept of a jury is unknown; it is the judge who decides upon the facts and
the law of a case. Trust is put in those who have enjoyed the right legal
training and have acquired the right work experience. They are regarded as the
most eligible persons to sentence by deciding on the facts as well as the law.
In the UK , it is the jury who is
responsible for finding the facts, while the judge determines the law. The
tasks are therefore separated. An argument in favour of the jury system is that
the offender is being judged upon his innocence/guilt by the people who are on
the same foot as him. This may provide a fair hearing and a sense of justice to
the offender. Another argument is that it provides an important check against
state power and that the lay people are able to incorporate the norms and
values of the public in the sentencing process.
In my view, a disadvantage of the jury
system is that the lay people lack the legal background and experience in
criminal law cases. When I first visited an English criminal case at the Old
Bailey a couple of years ago, the first thing I noticed was that some jury
members did not seem to pay attention during the hearing. This might have not
been the case, but the impression one gives can be determining on how serious
one takes his responsibility. The jury consists of ordinary people, deciding on
the most crucial cases which can have a major impact on one’s life. This
experience made me realise that I would not opt for a jury system in the Netherlands .
Looking at the criminal justice process, a
difference between the English and the Dutch criminal law system is the minimum
evidence that is required to start a prosecution.
In the English system, the requirement is
that prosecutors must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to provide
a realistic prospect of conviction against each suspect on each charge.
In the Netherlands , the prosecutor needs
to satisfy the minimum evidence requirement, which is set out in several
provisions in the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure. Article 342 sub 2 sets out
for example that one witness statement is insufficient (unus testis nullis
testis). Another key provision is article 341 sub 4, which states that proof
that the defendant committed the offence may never be based solely on the
statements made by the defendant himself. It is possible however to base this
proof on an official report by an investigating officer, as this has special
evidential value.
When comparing these two requirements, I
would argue at first glance that it seems that the requirement in the UK seems
very broad and that it is much easier to start a prosecution here than in the
Netherlands. Since I had no further dealings with this, I will not be able to
compare it thoroughly, but what can be said however, is that it always depends
on the circumstances of a case whether or not to start a prosecution.
During my study, I focused on life
imprisonment. The Netherlands
and the UK
are one of the rare examples of the Convention states in which life means
literally life.
In the UK , section 269 Criminal Justice
Act 2003 sets out that a "whole life order" (where no minimum term is
set) can be made if the offender was 21 or over when he committed the offence and
the seriousness of the offence warrants it. The only possibility for a whole
life prisoner to be released is on ‘’compassionate grounds’’ by the Secretary
of State (section 30 Crime Sentences Act 1997). The conditions are set out in
Chapter 12 of the Prison Service Order 4700: a prisoner can only be released
when he is terminally ill or seriously incapacitated.
In 2013, it was time for the European Court
of Human Rights (ECtHR) to decide whether life imprisonment in the UK was
compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). In Vinter,
which was a case about three whole life prisoners, it ruled that whole life
terms without the possibility of review are unlawful and in breach of Article 3
ECHR, which prohibits inhuman and degrading treatment and torture. The release
possibility set out in Section 30 CSA 1997 was considered to be insufficient to
meet the ECHR standards, since it would mean that a prisoner died at home or in
a hospital. Therefore, there had to be both a real possibility of review and a
possibility of release.
The decision which should have made an end
to the discussion on life imprisonment in the UK , did unfortunately not come. In
fact, it caused more confusion. In McLoughlin, which was a case on whole life
imprisonment, the Court of Appeal held that the possibility of release, set out
in section 30 CSA 1997, was sufficient to meet the ECHR standards, as the
Secretary of State is bound to exercise her powers in accordance with the Human
Rights Act 1998. This means that section 30 CSA 1997 can be interpreted in a
flexible way in order to meet the Article 3 ECHR standard. This does not seem
sufficient to me, as the broad interpretation possibility gives no ground for
prisoners to stand on. The Prison Service Order therefore needs to be made
clearer by for example adding more grounds. Another possibility would be to
review life sentences after a certain number of years. In the UK , it was practice to review life
sentences after twenty-five years; however, this provision has been abolished
with the amendment of the Criminal Justice Act 2003.
In the Netherlands , one can be convicted
to life imprisonment for serious offences, such as murder. The only way for a
life prisoner to be released is by being pardoned by the monarch. In practice, this
has not happened since 1986. Since the Netherlands does not provide for a
review mechanism either, it is questionable whether this can be considered as a
real possibility of release at all. The Dutch Supreme Court has held in this
regard in 2011 that the Dutch practice on early release meets the ECHR
standards, since life sentences are reducible by way of pardoning. It was
furthermore decided that it was too early to rule whether life sentences in the
are indeed irreducible, since no life sentence has been served long enough to
consider the pardoning.
In my view, both practices regarding life
imprisonment can be questioned. The UK did have a review mechanism in
place, but since the amendment of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, this has been
removed. In the Netherlands ,
there is no review mechanism at all. These practices seem to leave life
prisoners in both countries with no hope of release. In order to meet the ECHR
standards, reviewing a life sentence after a certain period should be advisable
in order to remain human dignity in sentencing and meet the ECHR standard.
Some thoughts have been illustrated on the
differences between the English and the Dutch criminal law system on a couple
of subjects. It can be concluded that it is not possible to argue that one
system is better than another; they have both advantages and disadvantages. What
can be accomplished by comparing the two systems however is to learn from each
other, while having regard to their origins and historical background. What is
a fact however is that the ECtHR influences the sentencing systems of all the
Convention states, including the UK
and the Netherlands .
These states therefore have the obligation to abide by the human rights set out
in the ECHR.